Vehicle Setup - Import

Setting up your vehicle in Unreal Engine

Once your vehicle is set up and rigged, it's time to bring it into engine. Simply import "SK_Hatchback_01a" into unreal. Make sure you select the skeleton from the FPVIS pack -"SK_Vehicle_Skeleton" You should now have both a physics asset and a skeleton in engine.

The setup for the physics asset is covered in the Unreal Documentation, however ours differs slightly.

Open your physics asset and delete all the physics components

This will delete all the physics data - allowing us to start from fresh with our own setup.

Go to options and select "Show all bones" you should see all the bones available - the ROOT, four wheels and the steering wheel.

Options -> Show All Bones
The Skeleton tree after selecting this option

Select the four wheel joints and head on over to the right side of the window, there should be a "tools" tab - set your primitive type to sphere and select "Add Bodies"

Tools -> Primitive Type -> Sphere -> Add Bodies

Once this is done, head on over to the details panel and set the Physics Type to "Kinematic"

Set the wheels physics type to "Kinematic"

Next you'll want to generate the physics collision for the whole body - this is done for vehicle physics/balance and will not effect how the vehicle collides with things.

Select the vehicle root, head on over again to the tools panel and make the primitive type "Box"

Once the box is generated, position it how you'd like. This physics asset has an influence on the vehicle's balance - if you take a look at the box truck or campervan you can see how this asset has been adjusted to assist with the vehicle's overall handling.

The initial collision box will likely be scaled/rotated/positioned strangely. Adjust the box to your liking - usually making it fit snugly to the vehicles proportions

Make sure you set the collision response on the vehicle's collision box to "Disabled"

This will make the vehicle's main collision useful as a simulation weight only - the actual vehicle collision will be added later.

You can go through the standard art import process for the rest of the vehicle to add materials. We suggest using our material master shader to keep things consistent - just copy over a material instance from one of the other vehicle's materials folder and adjust it to your liking!

Make sure you set the compression type of the ORM maps to Masks (No sRGB) this ensures that the materials are all accurate.

The vehicles imported materials/textures applied to the skeleton.

You'll also want to import the vehicle's doors and any other separate objects as we'll be using these within the blueprint.

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